School Security using Robotics
I was just introduced to the newest release in school security. As we are preparing to go into the 2022-2023 school year, schools are trying to find ways to keep their kids safe. I was just introduced to an exciting new product that schools should take a look at. As an educator I couldn’t wait to share this with those in the trenches everyday in the classroom. Stokes Educational Services has just released the latest in robotics technology geared specifically to schools and even comes with curriculum for students to learn about and become familiar with in the classroom. We have all seen Quadruped robots on Youtube and movies but they are now available for schools to enhance their security measures. I filmed some video of it working here at the Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) 2022 conference in Chicago, IL.
Quadraped Robotic available for schools.
You can find more information about the product from the company by reaching out to their website here -
Not only do they have a comprehensive curriculum and instruction package for students, it can also be customized to be a security device at the school. Features such as video monitoring, communication capabilities and intruder confrontation such as smoke screens and flash bangs. It can also run 10 miles an hour and can run into an intruder in order to disorientate and confuse.